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Citation variables used by digi-libris - digi-libris

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Citation variables used by digi-libris

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Copyright © 2015 by Bizgraphic, Geneva/Switzerland  -  Status February 2015
The following variables are used in digi-libris Reader for the generation of citations in generic and CSL styles.
Variables are treated internally as Dublin Core Elements, Dublin Core Terms or custom attributes and externally, i.e. when exported as XMP sidecar file or directly embedded in a PDF, EPUB or HTML file with a dc:, dcterms: or citation: prefix under the corresponding namespace or as custom attribute/value pair under pdfx with the citation_ prefix. See http://citationstyles.org/downloads/specification.html#appendix-iv-variables for the official and current listing of acceptable CSL styles.
Attention: digi-libris saves citation specific variables as 'citation:' under namespace http://purl.org/digilib/cita/ (which points to this page).
Since third-party PDF documents may already include citation tags from other sources, Acrobat could alter the citation tag names on importing XMP sidecar files.
Typically '<citation:xxx>' might become '<citation_1_:xxx>'. Interpreting software should be aware and able to deal with this possibilty

Standard Dublin Core Elements & Terms used in citations and bibliographic references 
            Elements (designations used in PDF) 
Terms (mapped to CSL definition in digi-libris Reader) 
contributor (co-authors) 
  abstract (abstract) 

publisher (if element publisher different) 
creator (author) 
  format (dimensions) 
references (references) 
  identifier (ISBN, ISSN)
replaces (review title) 
description (subject)    subject (keywords) 
  spacial coverage (jurisdiction) 
extent (scale) 
format (not editable in PDF) 
  keyword (if element subject different) 
source (if element source different) 
   medium (medium) 
date valid (status) 

   description (note) 
has version (version)  

   alternative title (original title) 
title (if element title different) 
Custom variables used in digi-libris generic styles only 
 digi-libris supports the generation of arbitrary attribute/value pairs which are stored with the pdfx: prefix according to the XMP specification. The following digi-libris citation variable(s) are added to this list: 
affiliation list of one or more institutions corresponding to the affiliations of author and co-authors. Two types of notation are allowed in digi-libris: sequential = A, B, C if author plus co-authors in the same order and 
Custom mapping for affiliation numbered = 1 A, 2 B, 3 C with authors and co-authors numbered the same way. Author is always 1, co-authors can share numbers. 

Bridges are included or in preparation to facilitated  the import of bibliographic references in other style sets (BIB, RIS, MARC21, MODS etc.) and to automatically map these to recognized  CSL variables. 
To permit further extension of citation-specific variables and to accommodate variables that may be used in other (proprietary) style sets, any variable marked as such with a cs:, citation: or citation_  prefix is recognized but only treated as such if it can be mapped  to a recognized one. digi-libris allows you to dynamically re-map variables found in downloaded content. 

Variables used in CSL styles 
CSL variables are listed on export as dMeta package or as plain XMP sidecar files under custom variables with citation_ prefix and under the namespace heading "http://purl.org/digilib/cita/" with citation: prefix. Those mapped to Dublin Core elements and/or terms are in addition also listed under the respective DC heading. 
Items marked with * are mapped to Dublin Core Elements, with ** to Dublin Core Terms, all others are stored as custom attributes with prefix citation:      

Source types   Only one of the following variables is allowed under variable Type : 
   patent    research-project 
   personal_communication    review 
   podcast    review-book 
   post    song 
   post-weblog    speech 
   presentation    thesis 
   pressrelease    treaty 
   report    webpage 

Items in blue are used and displayed by digi-libris but are not part of the official CitationStyles.org specification. 
To avoid confusion they are mapped to one of the official variables on export or exchange with third parties as XMP sidecar file. 
Please consult http://citationstyles.org/downloads/specification.html for up-to-date information about CSL styles.     
In digi-libris names of persons can be noted in two ways: simple = John P. Doe or complex = Doe, John P. [Jr.]: Phd where the title after the colon is ignored in CSL styles. 
authormaps thw first name to author (creator), all others to contributors
collection-editor editor of the collection holding the item (e.g. the series editor for a book)
composer  e.g. composer of a musical score
container-author author of the parent container (e.g. the book author for a book chapter)
director e.g. director of a film
editorial-director managing editor ('Directeur de la Publication' in French)
illustrator e.g. illustrator of a children's book
interviewer  (e.g. interviewer at an interview)
original-author if not the author mentioned in the citation
recipient e.g. recipient of a letter
reviewed-author author of the item reviewed by the current item
Standard variables
Items marked with * are mapped to Dublin Core Elements, with ** to Dublin Core Terms, all others are stored as custom attributes with prefix citation:
abstract ** abstract of the item (e.g. the abstract of a journal article)
annote reader's notes about the item content (short annotation, not the note associated with this object)
archive archive storing the item
archive_location storage location within an archive (e.g. a box and folder number)
archive-place geographic location of the archive
authority issuing or judicial authority (e.g. 'USPTO' for a patent, 'Fairfax Circuit Court' for a legal case)
call-number call number (to locate the item in a library)
citation-label label identifying the item in in-text citations of label styles (e.g. 'Ferr78'). May be assigned by the CSL processor based on item metadata.
citation-number index (starting at 1 of the cited reference in the bibliography (generated by the CSL processor)
collection-title title of the collection holding the item (e.g. the series title for a book)
container-title title of the parent container (e.g. the book title for a book chapter, the journal title for a journal article)
container-title-short short/abbreviated form of 'container-title' (also  'short' form of the 'container-title' variable)
dimensions ** physical (e.g. size) or temporal (e.g. running time) dimensions of the item
DOI Digital Object Identifier (e.g. '10.1128/AEM.02591-07')
event name of the related event (e.g. the conference name when citing a conference paper)
event-place geographic location of the related event (e.g. 'Amsterdam, the Netherlands')
first-reference-note-number number of a preceding note containing the first reference to the item.
genre class, type or genre of the item (e.g. 'adventure' for a movie, 'PhD dissertation' for a thesis)
ISBN ** International Standard Book Number
ISSN ** International Standard Serial Number
jurisdiction ** geographic scope of relevance (e.g. 'US' for a US patent)
keyword *, ** keyword(s) or tag(s) attached to the item
locator a cite-specific pinpointer within the item (e.g. a page number within a book, or a volume in a multi-volume work). Must be accompanied in the input data by a label indicating the locator, which determines which term is rendered by cs:label when the 'locator' variable is selected.
medium ** medium description (e.g. 'CD', 'DVD', etc.)
note (*,**) (short) inline note giving additional item details (e.g. a concise summary or commentary)
original-publisher * original publisher, for items that have been republished by a different publisher
original-publisher-place geographic location of the original publisher (e.g. 'London, UK')
original-title ** title of the original version (e.g. 'Война и мир', the untranslated Russian title of 'War and Peace')
page range of pages the item (e.g. a journal article) covers in a container (e.g. a journal issue)
page-first first page of the range of pages the item (e.g. a journal article) covers in a container ( a journal issue)
PMCID PubMed Central reference number
PMID PubMed reference number
publisher *,** publisher or producer of the work or paper
publisher-place geographic location of the publisher
references ** resources related to the procedural history of a legal case
reviewed-title ** title of the item reviewed by the current item
scale ** scale of e.g. a map
section container section holding the item (e.g. 'politics' for a newspaper article)
source ** from whence the item originates (e.g. a library catalog or database)
status ** (publication) status of the item (e.g. 'forthcoming')
title *,** primary title of the item
title-short short/abbreviated form of 'title' (also accessible through the 'short' form of the 'title' variable)
URL (* if web item) Uniform Resource Locator (e.g. 'http://aem.asm.org/cgi/content/full/74/9/2766')
version ** version of the item (e.g. '2.0.9' for a software program)
year-suffix disambiguating year suffix (if needed) in author-date styles (e.g. 'a' in 'Doe, 1999a')

   folio    note 
   sub verbo 

Date variables
accessed * date the item has been accessed
container date the journal containing the item has been issued
event-date date the related event took place
issued * date the item was issued/published
original-date * (issue) date of the original version
submitted * date the item (e.g. a manuscript) has been submitted for publication

Numerical Variables
collection-number number identifying the collection holding the item (e.g. the series number for a book)
edition (container) edition holding the item (e.g. '3' when citing a chapter in the third edition of a book)
issue (container) issue holding the item (e.g. '5' when citing a journal article from journal volume 2, issue 5
number number identifying the item (e.g. a report number)
number-of-pages total number of pages of the cited item
number-of-volumes total number of volumes, usable for citing multi-volume books and such
volume (container) volume holding the item (e.g. '2' when citing a chapter from book volume 2

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